Slide Scanning Services

There a number of things that you need to consider when it comes to making a decision about using photo slide scanning services. These are precious images you wish to preserve not only for today, but always for tomorrow. Technology available today allows color slide owners the advantage to preserve cherished images digitally so these images are not subject to the damage that occurs in time with color shifting and fading. Even if you store your slides away from any direct light, the fading process can still attack your images. Scanning them into the digital age is a good choice and here are some items to examine.

Slide Scanning Services

When you go to the trouble and expense of scanning your color slide library, you might as well get digitized images that are of a high resolution. Scanning all your images into a high-resolution file will give you or your family a lot of options, Especially when getting set to print enlargements or create photo books for future users.

Click Here for Slide Scanning Services!

Make sure that the slide scanning services that you are looking to employ uses a scratch removal system that is done by hand. Unfortunately, despite actions taken to protect slides, 91 percent of images presented to be scanned contain some sort of scratch. Many providers use automatic services to try to eliminate scratching. However, nothing will ever replace the trained eye and talented hand of a restoration technician. It has been reported that automatic software scratch removal systems have trouble handling large scratches and in many cases we just image sharpness. Yet, once the scratch is repaired and a new “digital” image is created, it will remain scratch-free as long as it is stored on reliable media such as a hard drive.

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